The Law Of Perseverance - GVIBESCITY



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Sunday 3 April 2016

The Law Of Perseverance

When George Stephenson, the inventor of railway frame was asked about the secret of his success, he simply answered, ‘do as I have done; persevere’.
His Success was never solely a matter of inventive genius because he labored for 15years without success before he was eventually able to produce the locomotive which aided ease of transportation globally.
Persecution will always outlast persecution. Big shots are only little shot that keep shooting. If you are someone who begins a venture and abandon it halfway to start up another one, you may soon become a jack of all trade and master of none.
Great achievements and success is not a matter of luck, it is men who persevere to the end who eventually becomes a success story.

Failure to achieve our ambition is sometimes a sign of weaknesses or instability in character and attitude. Therefore, you’ve got to develop stamina, perseverance and determination so that you can wade off the storm and press on till you reach your goal. Remember, Winners never quit, quitters never win. By Perseverance, the Snail got to the Ark. See you at the Top! Shalom

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