Leadership: The Gift that Keeps on Giving - GVIBESCITY



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Sunday 3 April 2016

Leadership: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

When i have opportunities to Speak with friends either in a formal or informal gathering, it beats my imagination as to how many people wants to climb up to leadership position for vain reasons. No mission or vision for the position coveted. This is the major reasons for the breakdown of harmony in our society today. 

Many do not realize that one way or the order we are a leader, its a perspective and a perception that we all need to have. A father is a leader in the home, even a child has other little children younger than him/her looking up to him for mentor ship, that is why leadership is summarily defined as influence

Leadership is stewardship. It requires a long term perspective. In fact it is Service 
Michael McKinney in Leadershipnow pointed out that, 'Stewardship requires that the organizational leaders put leadership in the hands of every member of the organization. It gives them ownership of the future. As leaders, it is where we can contribute the most good for society as a whole. It’s good stewardship. 

In Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia’s remarkable book, Everybody Matters, they explain the idea this way:

So many American businesses destroy lives every day, but we make a lot of money, and then we feel really good when we write a check to the United Way for $1 million. But I believe we are creating the need for the United Way in the first place by destroying the lives of people who create the wealth that enable us to give. I believe the greatest charity is what we could do at work every day to take care of the people entrusted to us.

The greatest gift, the greatest charity we can give back to society is to be truly human leaders who treat the people under our leadership with profound respect and care and not as objects for our success and wealth. In other words, we need to see ourselves as stewards of the lives we have been given an opportunity to lead and influence.
So Henceforth this is come to you as an obligation, As a leader, endeavor to always ask everyone you influence, “How can I serve you?

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